
  • Geekery,  General Jane

    Nineworlds 2017

    For the last three years the highlight of my summer has been Nineworlds AKA London Geekfest and this year was no exception. Coming to Nineworlds feels like coming home to my chosen family. This was my fourth Nineworlds and it began like the previous two with the Icebreaker quiz that my friends and I run. As usual it was attended well and everyone seemed to have a good time. Even if getting things ready was a little bit stressful. This year I was determined to make it to most of the panels that I wanted to and by and large I did. The stand out panels for me were: Police…

  • Gaming,  Geekery,  General Jane

    Rolling Dice in Anger

    Heromeet takes place in bar uno at Bangor university it is part games soc reunion part games fest.  I’d been invited to go along by friends who are long time gamers, we boardgame with them quite regularly and had been told that we would be very welcome to join them at this meet. Friday night was spent playing board games, Ticket To Ride, Seven Wonders at least that’s all that I remember playing there was a lot of general catching up with folks we knew and general merriment. But Saturday was mainly taken up with playing Dungeons and Dragons.  Oh my freaking squee. Its worth pointing out at this point…

  • Geekery

    On Fandom, snobbery and other ills

    I’ve been thinking about fandom and the arbitrary hierarchies that are constructed by the tribes within. I’ve written before about how I find it problematic and one thing I really dislike is the way some people like to laugh at ‘lower/less worthy’ fandoms. I’ve been guilty of it myself I have rolled my eyes at someone else’s and I have come to the conclusion that it really is just not on to harsh on someone else’s squee. Which brings me to Twilight. I read the books and the first film and decided it was not for me. It made me feel all kinds of wrong. However, an awful lot of…

  • Geekery

    Sci Fi Weekender 6

    Last weekend I went to the 6th Sci Fi weekender run by Chic at Hafan y Mor Haven Holiday park in Pwllheli. I’ve attended the last four of these events and I’ve always enjoyed myself. However, this year whilst I enjoyed the partying it felt somewhat flat. In the past the weekender has been buzzing with activities. Author panels and signings, great panels and much in the way of cabaret entertainment and parties. The first biggest difference was that this year the Sci fi weekender was sharing a site and facilities with the prog rock weekender. This essentially meant that the usual venue for all of the films was out…

  • Books,  Fiction,  Geekery,  Jane's Great Re-Read

    For Pterry

    I was thirteen when I read my first Terry Pratchett novel. It was Good Omens with Neil Gaiman and I loved that book as only a teenager could. I obsessed over Crowley and Aziraphale and it has been a favourite of mine for a long time. After Good Omens came the Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic which were okay but the novel that got me hooked was Wyrd Sisters. As the cauldron bubbled an archaic voice shrieked: “When shall we three meet again?!!” There was a pause. Finally another voice said, in far more ordinary tones: “Well I can do next Tuesday.” Wyrd Sisters Over the years I…

  • Geekery,  General Jane

    A Very Harry Potter Birthday

    It was my birthday at the weekend and my present was a trip to the Harry Potter Studios.  As you may have read I’ve been a huge Harry Potter fan and I’ve been revisiting all of the books it has been a lovely trot down memory lane I have felt as though I have needed to do for a while.  

  • Geekery

    Gatekeepers and why I'm not a fan

    I have a problem with Gatekeepers in geekdom and fandom. Self-appointed guardians of what it means to be a fan. Those who have a personal credo and if you don’t know the answers to the questions or you weren’t there at the beginning then you can’t be a real fan. I’m quite a sensitive person, I’m a survivor of bullying and I hate us and them mentalities. I understand the need for folks to create their own communities where they create safe spaces and the desire to control that space by building walls around it and pulling up the drawbridge. I am someone who usually ends up outside the castle…

  • anxiety,  Geekery

    On going to a Convention by myself

    I have done something for the first time. I have booked to go to a convention on my own. Of course now I am a little bit terrified, but I did expect it. The con in question is Bristol Con and I understand it isn’t a huge one but I am fearful and excited in equal measure. My main motivation of going is to see Emma Newman talking about stuff. But that is only part of the day. There are hours where I’m not sure where I’ll be going or what I’ll be doing and I won’t have a friend to keep my spirits up. I know I will enjoy…

  • Gaming,  Geekery

    Wherein I come out.

    Ha! I bet that caught your attention.  I am coming out as a board gamer.  Relatively new to the hobby but if my partner and I fancy relaxing and don’t just want to watch TV we play games. I enjoy a range of card and board games ranging from the deceptively simple ones like Carcassonne and Dodekka to the insanely complex Arkham Horror. I’m going to list my top six games and tell you a little about why I like them.   Ticket to Ride Europe from Days of Wonder.   I’ve picked this one over The Original edition as it is a tiny bit more complex than US but no…