Jane's Great Re-read: Maskerade by Terry Pratchett – a review
This is possibly my favourite Witches novel so I have to warn you I am biased on this one. I shall declare my interests here. 1. Agnes Nitt was the first time I saw myself represented so completely in a novel. I will explain more fully later but at 15 I was Agnes Nitt. 2. If you know me at all you know I take part in a lot of amateur musical theatre. The jokes and references in this one come thick and fast 3. Greebo gets his human on again. Aw yeah! Reading Maskerade was the first time that Agnes takes centre stage in a story and it was…
Jane's Great Re-Read: Lords and Ladies By Terry Pratchett a Review
Lords and Ladies is the fourth Granny Weatherwax and the witches book. If Wyrd Sisters is Macbeth, Lords and Ladies is a Midsummer’s Night Dream. This picks up post Witches Abroad just when the trio have arrived back from Genua and sprints off into the distance. This book is about belief; it is about susperstition; it is about quantum and iron.
Rolling Dice in Anger
Heromeet takes place in bar uno at Bangor university it is part games soc reunion part games fest. I’d been invited to go along by friends who are long time gamers, we boardgame with them quite regularly and had been told that we would be very welcome to join them at this meet. Friday night was spent playing board games, Ticket To Ride, Seven Wonders at least that’s all that I remember playing there was a lot of general catching up with folks we knew and general merriment. But Saturday was mainly taken up with playing Dungeons and Dragons. Oh my freaking squee. Its worth pointing out at this point…
Here we go again.
Things have been rather busy the last couple of months. My partner and I have had to move house which was the hugest upheaval plus exceedingly busy at work. Followed by the absolute joy that was Nine Worlds. I’ve been thinking and I need to shake the blog up a little bit again. How I’m not one hundred percent sure but I’m going to make it a bit more vibrant and be a bit more varied in what I do here. Basically watch this space for some changes over the coming weeks. Look out for the long overdue review of Lords and Ladies, Maskerade and Carpe Jugulum as well as…