Review: The Witch and the Tsar by Olesya Salnikova Gilmore
The Witch and the Tsar is perfect winter reading and I enjoyed it very much. Set in the Russia of Ivan the Terrible. He is the Tsar that the witch Yaga is pitched against in the title. This folklore retelling of Baba Yaga mythos is engaging and dramatic. If you’ve been reading my reviews you know I have a soft spot for feminst retellings of traditionally vilified women characters and The Witch and the Tsar does this really well. Yaga is a demi god, daughter of Mokosh. She is a Vedmar (witch) a healer and midwife she travels from place to place. Until she is called out in this christianised…
Review: Where it Rains in Color by Denise Crittendon
Denise Crittendon has created a vivid sci-fi world where melanin bearers are highly prized and the lead character Lileala is the rare indigo who is a figurehead for her people chosen for her beauty and her ability to shimmer. At the beginning of the novel Lileala is a bit of a pampered brat. She has been chosen to be the rare indigo a symbol of beauty and grace, although one without a voice. The previous rare indigo Ahonotay had abdicated her role many decades ago and has retreated from all society leaving a void and much expectation on the new rare indigo. All is going well until Lileala comes down…