Rolling Dice in Anger
Heromeet takes place in bar uno at Bangor university it is part games soc reunion part games fest. I’d been invited to go along by friends who are long time gamers, we boardgame with them quite regularly and had been told that we would be very welcome to join them at this meet.
Friday night was spent playing board games, Ticket To Ride, Seven Wonders at least that’s all that I remember playing there was a lot of general catching up with folks we knew and general merriment.
But Saturday was mainly taken up with playing Dungeons and Dragons. Oh my freaking squee. Its worth pointing out at this point that I’ve not played ADnD or any RPG for that matter for more than 15 years. I got adopted into the Games Society at University in Freshers week, they were my people even though I didn’t know it at that point. All I really knew was that the other girls in my flat had taken against me for no reason that I could fathom and the guys in the games soc were friendly a couple of them were rather cute and they were more fun to hang out with and they were more than happy to have me hang out with them even though I knew very little of table top RPGS or running around with rubber weapons although that would change.
So playing some ADnD at the weekend was pretty freaking cool. I played a warrior whom I named Catlyn and all was well with the world. I have missed rolling dice in anger. I have missed the shared storytelling, the stupidly funny situations which are only funny to your party because you really had to have been there. I may have bugged the DM afterwards to run us another session in the not too distant future.
There are Role Playing groups out there, but they are all very established and I dont’ have the guts/gall to approach and say, hey can I play and the reasons for that are many. It always was very much a male hobby. Or at least the groups I played with were. When I broke up with my first boyfriend post uni that was pretty much me out of Role playing. So I’ve been out of the hobby for years. Lately I’m aware of male friends who have a regular group but when I asked about maybe popping by I was told that the group would probably not be a good fit for me it being very laddish and bantery.
I’ve never had the confidence to run my own games I don’t know enough, they get pretty technical and I wouldn’t want to screw things up for people being a GM is a difficult job. But after this weekend I have hope. I am going to prod my friend who ran the session and see if he’ll make it a more regular thing. I’ve missed it and I want to play some more.

KH Rose
I wish you the best of luck and hope you get to play more. My partner and I miss it so much, so I definitely understand. (As we discussed on Twitter.)
The shared storylines are so amazing. I’ve run games that have lasted for years, and there is something incredible about looking back on the depth and breadth of created story. And camaraderie.