Glasgow 2024: A WorldCon for Our Futures
The last convention I went to was Dublin WorldCon It has been a long time coming going to Glasgow for this year’s WorldCon and I have learnt a lot from my last experience which has informed how things went this time. Firstly I was more prepared, I know that I only have a finite amount of energy and I didn’t over commit. Secondly I had a large group of friends that I was seeing regularly and checking in with so I wasn’t as lonely or overwhelmed. The final part was that whilst my partner didn’t attend the convention he was staying at the hotel and doing his own thing which meant that I had my rock with me and I had someone checking in that I was eating and staying hydrated.
This is not to say it wasn’t busy and at times overwhelming. It was both of these things but I was better prepared and knew my limits better so on the odd occasion where things were a lot I took step back and rested or ate and then I could do so much more.
I came away with a curated swathe of ribbons from my own Dumpy Little Unicorns to the smutty filth of illumicrate. Many prized finds and swaps.
I also came away with a good haul of new reading material from authors I’ve read before and some new ones to try.
This time I was brave enough to sign up for two table talks and was privileged to talk to both L. R. Lam and Anna Smith Spark both of whom are authors I love for their prose and it was wonderful to have a more intimate chat with them.
I did also get to meet up with Emma Newman and some others who are in her patreon which was lovely.
It felt like there was just more space going on at Glasgow of all the panels I wanted to see, I failed to get into one or two. Whereas in Dublin, if you weren’t queueing for the hour before the panel you weren’t getting in.
Getting to go to the Scalzi disco which was a hoot and so much catching up with friends and reconnecting with acquaintances. Plus making new friends was such a wonderful use of 5 days.
I am home and I feel inspired and heartful once again.
Be afraid followers something is coming and you will get to share in it soon enough.