Book Haul WorldCon part 2
This is part two of my book haul post
Book Haul Glasgow World Con part 1
Well, I've written about my general world con experience but a good portion of the time I was there for the books. I picked up a wide array of titles from indies, small press and trad publishers. So let's run through what got picked up.
Glasgow 2024: A WorldCon for Our Futures
The last convention I went to was Dublin WorldCon It has been a long time coming going to Glasgow for this year’s WorldCon and I have learnt a lot from my last experience which has informed how things went this time. Firstly I was more prepared, I know that I only have a finite amount of energy and I didn’t over commit. Secondly I had a large group of friends that I was seeing regularly and checking in with so I wasn’t as lonely or overwhelmed. The final part was that whilst my partner didn’t attend the convention he was staying at the hotel and doing his own thing which…