Rolling Dice in Anger
Heromeet takes place in bar uno at Bangor university it is part games soc reunion part games fest. I’d been invited to go along by friends who are long time gamers, we boardgame with them quite regularly and had been told that we would be very welcome to join them at this meet. Friday night was spent playing board games, Ticket To Ride, Seven Wonders at least that’s all that I remember playing there was a lot of general catching up with folks we knew and general merriment. But Saturday was mainly taken up with playing Dungeons and Dragons. Oh my freaking squee. Its worth pointing out at this point…
Wherein I come out.
Ha! I bet that caught your attention. I am coming out as a board gamer. Relatively new to the hobby but if my partner and I fancy relaxing and don’t just want to watch TV we play games. I enjoy a range of card and board games ranging from the deceptively simple ones like Carcassonne and Dodekka to the insanely complex Arkham Horror. I’m going to list my top six games and tell you a little about why I like them. Ticket to Ride Europe from Days of Wonder. I’ve picked this one over The Original edition as it is a tiny bit more complex than US but no…