2014 frustration in a nut shell
I really didn’t manage to get anywhere near as much writing as I wanted to. The reasons behind this are many and varied. My job is still quite demanding and has not settled into a pattern I can control yet. Coupled with extended periods of extremely brain busy times which leave me with no capacity to do more than the basics. This sucks but until the situation changes which I’m hoping it will soon then that is going to remain. I am also a creature with hobbies. Musical theatre, board gaming and knitting crochet all of which a necessary to my well being to stop me going completely off the rails.…
Guerilla writing
Baby steps. It is how I am attempting to break the ridiculous block I’ve been facing. I am using some new strange and odd methods to trick my brain into being some kind of productive. One way has been to use my phone. I was stuck providing my Dad with tech support the other week . I was at his house for a number of hours before he got home. I couldn’t settle to read, my brain was buzzing and fizzing with the idea I had been kept awake the night before. It was a strong image and I needed to realise into words. I’d started the scene at two in the morning…
Character pt 2
So my last blog post I was talking about characters and how I have one rattling round in my head that I need to get to know a little better. I’ve done a little bit of work on her since then and I’m trying to work out some depth to her. I’ve set myself the task of writing a conversation between her and an interviewer. The interviewer is unimportant; they are just a means to an end in getting the girl to talk to me. My other ‘rule’ for this is that I am writing from an external point of view. No describing her thoughts, just her actions and speech.…