Jane's Great Re-read: The Time Traveler's Wife – Review
*Wipes eyes and blows nose* Hello gang, well yes just finished the Time Traveler’s Wife again and I can report it still shreds me into tiny pieces. When I was 25 this book meant everything I was in a very volatile stage of my life and it gave me comfort and helped me come to terms with lots of life stuff and help me cry. I have not and will not see the film because I am not prepared to tarnish my vision of the novel. For those reasons it was a very important book and has been a permanent addition to my list of favourites. Coming back to it,…
Jane's Great Re-Read: The Time Traveller's Wife
The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger is my next stop on the great Re-Read. For a while this book was everything to me. I had never read anything that was so beautiful and painful and perfect in my life. I discovered it in my mid twenties after coming out of a horrible relationship with a controlling person who was not good for me at all. I was seeing my current bloke and he was (still is for that matter) brilliant. We weren’t living together and only got to see each other depending on his shifts and what time we could scrape together.